This is buck. We got him from my husbands exwife. We got him last spring. Due to work and all I didn't do anything with him unlill this winter. Jacey my stepdaughter told me they had been on him but he did'nt know anything. We I always pony them out to introduce them to the world out there. He did fine through the saddling but when I climbed up on my riding horse and Buck's head went straight up and he backed up so fast it took the lead rope right out of my hand. Now due to the fact my 3yr. old nephew was going riding with us so I decided not to push Buck and put him away.
The following weekend my sister and I went after him again. My sister saddled him up (tied to the horse trailer) He stand good for this. My sister got on and I held the lead rope. Buck is such a good boy. He has whoo, go, left, right. He will lounge with verbal comand and reverse and stop and come to you.
Someone put some ground time on this horse. I have been taking him and introducing him to traffic, and overpasses, Buck is doing wonderful. Once he learned it is ok for me to pony him, He likes to stay right by my right knee so I can touch his forhead and he can hear me talk to him.
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